The public defense of Susanna Rivinen in 2021. From left: Hanna Vuojärvi (second supervisor), Susanna Rivinen, Päivi Rasi-Heikkinen.
Photo: Leena Inkeröinen.
Maisa Mielikäinen (2024)
a digital learning ecosystem within a Community of Inquiry - Design-based research in ICT engineering education.
Second supervisor: Hanna Vuojärvi.
Hanna Alaniska (2024)
Formaali vastavuoroinen vertaisoppiminen korkeakoulussa –
kasvatustieteellinen kehittämistutkimus [Formal reciprocal peer learning at a university – Educational design research].
Second supervisor: Sirpa Purtilo-Nieminen.
Anitra Arkko (2023)
Luova ja autenttinen oppimis- ja kehittämisympäristö verkkoon – Design-tutkimus Luovat askeleet -mallin uudelleenmuotoilusta [Creative and authentic online learning and development environment – Design research
on the redesign of the Creative Steps model].
Second supervisor: Satu Miettinen.
Marjo Joshi (2023)
Holistic design of online degree programmes in higher education - A pedagogically informed design framework.
Second supervisor: Hanna Vuojärvi
Ella Airola (2022)
Older people and eHealth service use. An exploration of a complex learning and care ecosystem in rural areas of Finnish Lapland.
Second supervisor: Heli Valokivi
Susanna Rivinen (2021)
Developing media literacy geragogy for older people through design-based research.
Second supervisor: Hanna Vuojärvi
Sanna Ruhalahti (2019)
Redesigning a pedagogical model for scaffolding dialogical, digital and deep learning in vocational teacher education.
Principal supervisor: Heli Ruokamo