Between 2000 and 2024, I have worked in and lead numerous regional, national and international research and development projects and sub-projects funded by Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, European Social Fund, Research Council of Finland, European Commission, Norgesuniversitet, and Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for
Examples of ongoing and finished projects:
- 9/2023-8/2027 | MediaRoboLit 65+ Media and robot literacies of people over 65 years of age. Research Council of Finland.
Website in Finnish (key facts in English) - 9/2023-4/2026 | Arctic RoboWelfare - Development environment for Lapland's well-being robotics. European Regional Development Fund.
Website in Finnish
- 2022-2024 | SUM - Seniors united against misinformation. Peer learning media literacy initiative for seniors. European Commission, Creative Europe programme.
Website in English
- 1-10/2023 | VideoPeda+ Video-osaamisesta voimaa korkeakoulupedagogiikkaan Lapissa [Video competencies to strenghten higher education pedagogy in Lapland]. European Social Fund.
Key facts in Finnish - 2021-2023 | OdigO - Osaavia aikuisten ja ikääntyvien digitaitojen ohjaajia Lappiin [Skillful tutors of adults' and ageing population's digital competences to Lapland]. European Social Fund. Finnish with key facts in English
- 2018-2021 | HARVEST - eHealth and ageing in rural areas: Transforming everyday life, digital competences and technology. Research Council of Finland.
Finnish | English - 2018-2021 | IkäihMe - Developing teacher education of adult educators - Targeting older people's media education. Ministry of Education and Culture, Teacher Education Development Program.
Finnish with key facts in English 2017-2020 | OpenDigi -Teachers' communities for improving learning and digital-pedagogical skills. Ministry of Education and Culture.
Key facts in Finnish2017-2019 | DigiGO! - Digitalization in teaching and learning. European Social Fund.
Finnish with key facts in English3/2017-12/2017 | Focus on the North - Digital learning for pre- and inservice teacher education. Norgesuniversitet.
I have 25 years teaching experience with students ranging from 5 to over 70 years in several educational institutions: sports clubs, upper secondary schools for young people and for adults, a folk high school, a college, open universities, and universities. Since 2008 I have been teaching educational sciences at the University of Lapland's Faculty of Education in Finland. These are the courses that I will be teaching during the academic year 2024-2025:
- Johdatus kasvatustieteisiin (kasvatustieteen osio) (5 ECTS)
[Introduction to Educational Sciences] - Ikääntyvien oppiminen digitaalistuvassa yhteiskunnassa (5 ECTS)
[Aging Population and Learning in a Digitalizing Society] - Elinikäinen oppiminen ja oppimisympäristöt (5 ECTS)
[Lifelong Learning and Learning Environments] - Jatkokoulutusseminaari (20 ECTS)
[Postgraduate Seminar]